wishlist for a minimal but functional distro
amazing and already very useful! here below my wishlist
- monitoring: iotop, iftop, wavemon
- mail: msmtp, fetchmail, notmuch
- games: fortune, cowsay, nethack, crawl, curse-of-war, gnuchess, figlet, ninvaders, cavezofphear, matanza (and put /usr/games in $PATH)
- utils: gawk (in place of mawk or awk), jhead, sox, (ffmpeg maybe, large but VERY useful), imagemagick
- comms: mosh, weechat and/or irssi (first one is much better and has OTR working), a jabber client of choice
- can't think of more, but I will :^)
Thanks for the comments. I will do my best, even if some of those might pull in a lot of dependencies...
I have added all those packages (and many other ones), keeping the images below 1/4 GB
\xf0\x9f\x8e\xb1 -
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