Slim wont accept password
Package installs... If slim wont accept your password::
That is it simply keeps resetting to the login prompt.
Check system dbus is running::
service dbus status
(or whatever your using)
Check you have not slipped around a dependency which may happen if you have "extra" (non devuan repositories)
** * cough* *debian* *ubuntu* **
Certainly this could catch you if you use experimental or unstable (ceres) / you know that those names are no accident
$ sudo apt-get update
$ apt-get install slim --reinstall
(optionally -t ascii or testing)
If slim is built with dbus you have to have dbus AND consolekit.
$ apt-cache depends slim
Depends: libc6
Depends: libck-connector0
Depends: libdbus-1-3
Depends: libfontconfig1
Depends: libfreetype6
Depends: libgcc1
Depends: libjpeg62-turbo
Depends: libpam0g
Depends: libpng12-0
Depends: libstdc++6
Depends: libx11-6
Depends: libxext6
Depends: libxft2
Depends: libxmu6
Depends: libxrandr2
Depends: libxrender1
Depends: zlib1g
| Depends: debconf
Depends: <debconf-2.0>
Depends: dbus
Depends: consolekit
Recommends: xterm
Suggests: scrot
Suggests: xauth