CD / DVD cover for Jessie 1.0-beta
@jaromil passed me instructions to build CD / DVD covers.
- CD / DVD cover ("face")
- DVD Insert ("inside cover")
- DVD package cover (the big one)
That doesn't look like the right size. CD cases are square not rectangle. The only thing that pops out is the square with the swoosh. What's it doing there? One too many swooshes IMO.
Go read the instructions for the file format. It's OK. BTW, I think we should have done this before, so I'm not eager to spend much time on it (especially as I'm wasting so much time with OOM errors). 1.0 covers will get more attention if you like.
Marked the task CD / DVD cover ("face") as completed
Marked the task DVD Insert ("inside cover") as completed
Marked the task DVD package cover (the big one) as completed
Added awaiting feedback label
Status changed to closed