[jessie beta1] Suggested improvement: Mention the DE flavor for default desktop choice
In the installer, it is not mentioned which desktop environment is going to be installed when thedefault desktop
option is selected.
And sinceXfce
is among the other selectable options, an unsuspicious user might come to the wrong conclusion that the default desktop option designates something different altogether.
Suggestion: Change the option text to something like:Default desktop (Xfce)
I saw this when installing ascii today. said XFCE (default), but the box was not checked.
It was a bit confusing to me really.. It looked something like this:
[x]Devuan Desktop Environment
- [] XFCE (default)
- [] GNOME
- [] KDE
I wasn't really sure if XFCE was going to be installed because it wasn't checked by default, even though it said "default" next to it. So I checked it.
And what does "Devuan Desktop Environment" mean, exactly?
Anyway, that's my perspective as a new user. Won't open a ticket for it until I hear other feedback.
[x]Devuan Desktop Environment