Slim login screen / "For more options: man slim"
Just like Firefox embarrasses me regularly with its (well, well-intentioned) "this is embarrassing"-message(1), my aesthetic sensation gets regularly confused by Slim's login screen, telling me howto man - every morning anew. (More general argumentation below.)
I suggest to modify the line
For more options: man slim
in desktop-base/slim/devuan-curve-darkpurpy/panel.png to something like
For more options: RTLM(*)
(*)read the libre manual
no patch, because I couldn't find the original vector graphics, but at least a constructive proposal :)
This would transport approximately the same information (
"this program is named slim"
"it is configurable"
"there is a manpage"
), while not bugging the (AFAIU targeted) experienced sysadmin with too obvious "good advice" - a user who doesn't know theman
command, most likely wouldn't understand the instructions in place anyway.
That's it: My first Devuan being-bug-ed report!
(1) If you never hit Firefox mobile 's "feedback" menu item: Don't - it could make you feel sad ;)