fglrx (ATI propertary driver) can't build on kernel 4
Hi, since fglrx can't compile on linux kernel version 4 I open this bug report to report it since it is 'installable' with that kernel and I got mad understanding the error.
Since I couldn't figure out how to switch the kernel on Devuan I've done this to workaround the problem:
- Removed 'linux-image-64' and 'linux-headers-64', then "# apt-get autoremove --purge"
- Edited the sources of my '/etc/apt/sources.list' commenting Devuan's repositories and inserting Debian ones (E.G. 'deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian jessie main contrib non-free') followed by an "# apt-get update"
- Installed linux kernel and linux headers again ("# apt-get install linux-{image,headers}-64")
- Come back to the Devuan repositories and then "# apt-get update" again
- Blocked upgrades of the above packages with "# apt-mark hold linux-image-64; apt-mark hold linux-headers-64"
- Installed 'fglrx' as indicated on the Debian wiki.
Is there a way to keep the old kernel as the default on Devaun other than this one?