Mirror instruction error
On files.devuan.org, the MIRRORS.txt states to "just run":
rsync -raX files.devuan.org::devuan
requires a second argument for the
: without the destination, rsync displays the contents of the archive, but does not synchronize it.
is already covered by-a
Instead I used:
rsync -aX files.devuan.org::devuan files.devuan.org
Here's the new MIRRORS.txt :
Mirroring Devuan Release Archive ================================== If you like to contribute a mirror, be welcome! Just use: # mkdir /srv/mirrors # adduser --system --disabled-login --home /srv/mirrors --no-create-home mirrors # chown mirrors /srv/mirrors # su - mirrors mirrors:~$ rsync -aX files.devuan.org::devuan ~/files.devuan.org In your crontab running once every four hours or so, e.g., four times a day: * */6 * * * rsync -aX files.devuan.org::devuan /srv/mirrors/files.devuan.org Announcing your Mirror ------------------------ Once your mirror is running, let us know with a message on irc.freenode.net channel #devuan. Please file an issue with `fdo` and `mirror` tags mentioning your hostname, the frequency of updates, available bandwidth and protocols (HTTPS, HTTP, FTP, RSYNC...), and anything you deem necessary for good mirror coordination. Thanks! https://git.devuan.org/devuan-editors/devuan-www/issues/new?issue[label_ids][]=1418&issue[label_ids][]=16 Cheers!
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