devuan installer prompts about existing grub config file
During the install process, there is a messagebox that says "A new version (/tmp/yada yada) of configuration file /etc/default/grub is available, but the version installed currently has been locally modified."
I don't believe that this should be happening, since it is a new install.
Further, choosing "show the differences between the versions" doesn't show anything, and the install just continues. (The resulting config is bootable in this case)
For now, choosing "Install the package maintainer's version" does produce a bootable config.
ah... that's a side effect of desktop-base package that modifies that file during postinst - which happens before the installation of grub... Bugger... I'll have to fix desktop-base to do it differently.
We did this to get it using the grub-theme... I'll have to use a trigger to update it on install instead. I've filed filed a bug against desktop-base.
depends on: devuan-packages/desktop-base#11
Edited by Daniel Reurich -
mentioned in issue devuan-packages/desktop-base#11