New devuan mirror
Hi all, I and Pappi implemented an rsync mirror to devuan. It updates 4 times every day, the bandwidth in upload is 50mbps. you can find it ad
Bye. Aleskandro
Dear @aleskandro , your mirror seems to be offline, is it going to stay that way?
Hi, I m going to check tomorrow on the reasons why the rsync server is not up and I will solve to get it still online. Our short contribute is still available. Sorry for the unavailability of the service. I will inform you as soon as possible
appreciated :).
Hi @evilham , the mirror is actually syncing and it is now up and available as rsync mirror. Some iptables rules was deleted improperly. I'm sorry. Bye.
Thanks Evilham. This mirror has been added to the list. Closing.
@aleskandro , I just noticed your rsync mirror refuses the connection. Maybe another iptables hiccup?
While we are at it: the IP of your server tells me that it's located in Germany, is that correct?