better/faster ways to find source -package and import into gitlab
Hi Frits,
Some one was asking about a guide and I found yours again. It's pretty comprehensive, but has a few areas that could be improved.
3a) suggest for debian packages using either i) (if you know the package name) or, ii) to find the package/source name and then select the PTS link in the right hand panel (goes to the relevant page)
When the debian tracker page has a git vcs link - click the browse link and then go to the summary at the bottom of the page and copy the http(s) git vcs link and this can be pasted into the import url box that comes up when creating a new project in Devuan's gitlab.
also encourage adding a note with the link into either the or debian/README.source or debian/README.vcs
Also it would be good if you could add a section on devuan branches. poke me for more info on this....