neo900-ublog-entry faulty counter is blocking was posted from Twitter web site, and the embedded counter was indicating 36 characters left.
was insisting that the message was too long. (That explains why it doesn't appear in the microblog column of the site.)
hellekin@newbie:~> neo900-ublog-entry "Werner contributed an interactive tool to visualize differences between versions of schematics made with @kicad_pcb." DEBUG: 1 links detected; 151 out of 121 characters used 150 exceeds the limit of 120 characters! Press ENTER to edit again...
I've changed the character counting logic to simply try to post on a second, private account. If it succeeds, then we know the message fits.
Also, I've changed it to not fail when temporary directory already exists - it warns, but you can either exit or continue with automatic wipe of old files.