device-tree overlays cannot be loaded
Attempting to load overlays in /boot/config.txt when running the devuan_jessie_1.0.0-beta2_arm64_raspi3.img.xz image fails; there's no indication that the loaded overlay is in effect. I suspect the firmware/overlays in /boot might not match the provided kernel. I built my own kernel from from the rpi-4.8.y branch, copied the kernel, .dtb files into /boot, .dtbo files into /boot/overlays, and the overlays requested in /boot/config.txt do seem to take effect once I did that.
mentioned in issue #2 (closed)
The mainline raspberry kernel didn't support arm64 at the time. I am now using the mainline kernel for Devuan Jessie RC, so we'll see what happens. Please reopen if you still have the issue.