raspbian repo compatability rpi1
While trying to debug my gpio issue we uncovered repo incompatibilities:
[22:40:02] parazyd, looking likely.. the packages python-rpi.gpio and python3-rpi.gpio are missing and not available in repos. [22:41:05] Gup: yes, the raspbian repos unfortunately aren't compatible with the armel arch i'm using for the rpi1. please make an issue at https://git.devuan.org/sdk/arm-sdk and note this
1 Related Merge Request
Yes, so far this is unfortunately true. As Devuan/Debian is building armhf packages with armv7 in mind, it indeed breaks compatibility with Raspberry Pi 1, which is an older CPU architecture. For this reason we have to resort to the armel packages, which are then again incompatible with Raspbian ones.
Eventually it would be possible to use all Raspbian's packages for our Raspberry Pi images, but work is needed done on Amprolla and this is not really my area.
mentioned in merge request !1 (closed)