WiFi not working on rpi3 / arm64?
I'm currently feeling my way towards getting WiFi working (I hope) on a Raspberry Pi 3 running devuan ascii. At present I have no wlan0, no wireless devices in lsusb, and grepping for brcm in dmesg output produces nothing! I do have /lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.[bin,txt] present.
Current kernel: Linux rpi 4.10.10-v8+ #1 (closed) SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 18 08:53:10 CEST 2017 aarch64 GNU/Linux
As per https://quantum2.xyz/2017/10/27/installing-debian-arm64-on-raspberry-pi-3-with-wifi/ I suspect I will need to install kernel 4.13 in order to make the WiFi chip work when running an arm64 kernel. Is that correct? If not, what else should I check, in order to narrow down the problem? The debian kernel package provided at that page won't install of course, due to initramfs / udev and other stuff ...
Let me know which logs I should attach here, if any, to help diagnosis.
Would be (very ;) happy to test a provided 4.13 kernel build, or otherwise attempt to build my own if pointed at appropriate documentation (have access to devuan ascii on x86_64 for cross-compilation if necessary, also macOS on x86_64).
Look forward to any pointers and guidance, and thanks for the superb work so far getting devuan working well on rpi3/arm64 :)
Thanks parazyd for the rpi3 64bit image! I'm presently running mate on it, works. I enabled the optional overlay in config.txt with dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d as Sakaki recommends (gentoo). However I have not yet got wifi to run, so I agree with William.
Trevor, where can I find your updated kernel? Thanks! Olle
@olle sorry for the slow response. Here is my kernel + modules . Let me know if you have any trouble.
Please note that the cmdline.txt included here is using /dev/sda rather than the standard /dev/mmcblk0. Credit goes to IRC user agl for this notice.
Edited by Trevor -
Thanks for the link, I'm presently on vacation, will test later. But as I have bought the recent https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-3-model-b-plus/ I have noticed that this "beast" doesnt boot at all with parazyd's kernel. Well that's Linux! a neverending circle.
I think that's a firmware issue. The file I uploaded should have the latest stable firmware (at the time), so it may have better luck with the new chip. WiFi will likely not work, do to a different FW file being needed as well as the potential for different kernel configs. I haven't looked into it much yet. Let me know what you find and enjoy the vacation!
I've found solution : https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?pid=8635#p8635
This week these issues will be fixed, and support for Pi3 B+ will also be added. Apologies for taking so long :/
Thanks! Appreciate your work!
So finally I'm able to test PI3B+ with Devuan 64bits. Perfect! Wifi, sound, display, you name it, everything works! Thanks! And as always, pushing the frontiers, landing on https://minorplanetcenter.net/db_search/show_object?object_id=38086 .