Devuan GNU+Linux is a free software operating system for your computer. Free software means you are free to use, copy and distribute, study, change the software, and share your modifications with the community.

Package Repositories

Devuan package repositories are exclusive. Other repositories, including Debian, Ubuntu, Mint etc, should not be used directly.

What packages are available in Devuan? Please explore our package repositories.

Devuan recommends using the codename (chimaera, daedalus, excalibur, ceres) rather than the suite (oldstable, stable, testing, unstable) in /etc/apt/sources.list entries. Please go to Devuan Release Information for a detailed explanation.

Devuan has a network of package repository mirrors in place. The recommended default mirror is, via http not https. Or, a specific mirror from the list can be accessed using the corresponding BaseURL. Country Codes can also be used e.g.

deb main

Choose whichever method gives the best speed.

Important Note: auto.mirror has been decommissioned. Please use in /etc/apt/sources.list.

Devuan repositories are cryptographically signed using OpenPGP. The keys used to sign Devuan repositories are available in the package devuan-keyring. Please make sure you have the latest devuan-keyring package and then point your /etc/apt/sources.list to To use, you must have devuan-keyring version 2022.09.04 or higher.

Default configurations

Devuan 5.0 Daedalus (stable)

deb daedalus          main
deb daedalus-updates  main
deb daedalus-security main

Devuan 4.0 Chimaera (oldstable)

deb chimaera          main
deb chimaera-updates  main
deb chimaera-security main

Devuan 3.1 Beowulf (oldoldstable)

deb beowulf          main
deb beowulf-updates  main
deb beowulf-security main

Devuan 2.1 ASCII (archived)

deb ascii          main
deb ascii-security main

Devuan 1.0.0 Jessie (archived)

deb jessie          main

Devuan Excalibur (testing)

deb excalibur          main

Devuan Ceres (unstable)

deb ceres          main

Access via Tor

We also provide access to our package repositories via Tor. Install apt-transport-tor and then use the following hidden services:

deb tor+http://devuanauxrkggcowgm2vcs6go3c5pgxdidd5wqjpg7zpfaxkmgspr6id.onion/merged <release codename>          main
deb tor+http://devuanauxrkggcowgm2vcs6go3c5pgxdidd5wqjpg7zpfaxkmgspr6id.onion/merged <release codename>-updates  main
deb tor+http://devuanauxrkggcowgm2vcs6go3c5pgxdidd5wqjpg7zpfaxkmgspr6id.onion/merged <release codename>-security main

Note that all software shipped with Devuan in the main component is free software. But if needed, non-free software is also available. Just add the non-free-firmware, non-free and contrib components to the appropriate line(s) in /etc/apt/sources.list as required:

deb daedalus main non-free-firmware non-free contrib

Additional repositories

Add security updates (default: yes)

Security updates are strongly recommended as they provide fixes to identified vulnerabilities. Security updates automatically enter the stable release as they appear. You should activate this repository if your system can connect to the internet.

# /etc/apt/sources.list

deb <release codename>-security main
deb-src <release codename>-security main

Add stable updates for fast release packages (default: no)

updates integrate important changes from upstream. Packages in updates will be part of the next stable point release, but are safe to upgrade right away. If you’re using an antivirus and other similar packages that require up-to-date information, you should activate this repository.

# /etc/apt/sources.list

deb <release codename>-updates main
deb-src <release codename>-updates main

Add stable proposed-updates (default: no)

proposed-updates are packages that will become part of the next stable point release but are not fully tested yet. It is usually safe to use them, but we recommend not using them on production systems. Note that there may be rare cases where a package from Debian's proposed-updates is needed, and in that case /merged should be used instead of /devuan below.

# /etc/apt/sources.list

deb <release codename>-proposed-updates main
deb-src <release codename>-proposed-updates main

Add backports (default: no)

backports provides newer versions of packages already in the testing suite but linked to stable dependencies. This is useful if you prefer using newer software versions over well-tested stable versions. It is advised to disable backports and only enable to install specific packages.

# /etc/apt/sources.list

deb <release codename>-backports main
deb-src <release codename>-backports main

Add experimental (default: no)

experimental is for testing very new software. Use at your own risk.

# /etc/apt/sources.list

deb experimental main
deb-src experimental main

Binary debugging symbols

Debugging symbols for forked or Devuan-specific packages are available in the same repositories as the main packages. The packages are named *-dbgsym or *-dbg. No special configuration is required to install or use them.

Debugging symbols for unforked packages which are used directly from Debian can be accessed by adding:

# /etc/apt/sources.list

deb <debian codename>-debug main

The find-dbgsym-packages command from the debian-goodies package may be helpful to identify the required debug package(s). Alternatively, you could use Debian's debuginfod service

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